BlogJanuary 9, 2014 8:30 AM ET

introducing the Djentstick

one string wonder

So some guy (a fellow named Miguel Yépez, apparently) took what a piece of wood, added a pickup, a string, and a few other items to create an instrument he calls the Djentstick. He then added some distortion and recorded himself playing along to the After The Burial song "A Wolf Amongst Ravens." Genius.

"This is the Djentstick, one stringed fretless low tune instrument I've made myself featuring an active EMG81 pickup thru a Line 6 Pod XT."

Does this prove that all djent style metal can be played using one string? Not necessarily, but I'm sure that more than a few songs could be handled with the Djentstick. Regardless, I guarantee that a few hundred kids would buy one of these if it was properly manufactured and marketed. This is a Kickstarter waiting to happen.

Somebody on Lambgoat's Facebook pointed out this video, where a guy did a similar thing with a hockey stick and Emmure. I guess that dude deserves some credit too, but he didn't have a catchy name like Djentstick.


Post Comment
anonymous 1/9/2014 6:45:00 AM

i wash my back with a rag on a djent stick

anonymous 1/9/2014 6:48:37 AM

he better hand-make a batch and sell them to scenesters at a premium price...if he doesn't, he's an idiot.

anonymous 1/9/2014 6:58:05 AM

Boring do death on stage brought to a whole new level!

anonymous 1/9/2014 6:59:45 AM makes them, he made one for Fenriz.

anonymous 1/9/2014 7:37:59 AM

I want to be in a band where you can play all of my riffs on one string

anonymous 1/9/2014 7:44:12 AM

I'll be impressed when he starts shredding Trent's solo on that rig! GNOME SAYIN'?!

brokenhero 1/9/2014 8:24:26 AM

anonymous posted 1 hour ago i wash my back with a rag on a djent stick report abuse hahhahahaaa

anonymous 1/9/2014 10:00:34 AM

stupid. should've panned the original and the djentstick so we could here what he was playing. for all we know he just faked it and eq'ed the song to make it sound like there was something else playing along. stupid, again.

anonymous 1/9/2014 10:12:13 AM y

anonymous 1/9/2014 10:37:14 AM

AKA The Motograter

anonymous 1/9/2014 11:08:44 AM

did i see some lego pieces on that?

anonymous 1/9/2014 11:48:32 AM

anonymous posted 4 hours ago I want to be in a band where you can play all of my riffs on one string report abuse Try out for Emmure.

anonymous 1/9/2014 11:52:00 AM

Further proof that After The Burial, Veil of Maya, etc... are overrated garbage.

anonymous 1/9/2014 11:54:14 AM

Too bad this shit isn't shocking the shit out of him. So dumb.

anonymous 1/9/2014 12:31:14 PM

fcking beaner

anonymous 1/9/2014 12:36:26 PM

this played fretless which makes him more talented than the hacks that wrote this song.

anonymous 1/9/2014 1:17:30 PM

What??? no whammy bar???? no whammy bar no care. JK great idea, the track sounds way better with the extra instrument. I bet it'll become the latest trend in hollywood and dave grohl will release a Djentstick album.

anonymous 1/9/2014 2:49:35 PM

Misha Mansoor has tons of one-string demos he posts.

anonymous 1/9/2014 3:52:19 PM

The Simpsons quote "i wash my back with a rag on a djent stick" is the best thing I've ever read on lambgoat in the past 8 years. Bravo

anonymous 1/9/2014 6:47:28 PM

fck everyone, no one cares about your opinions. This doesnt represent all music of a single "genre". Stop wasting your time on these message boards. You guys are fcking dicks. Spread the peace instead.

anonymous 1/9/2014 7:13:30 PM

fck everyone, no one cares about your opinions. This doesnt represent all music of a single "genre". Stop wasting your time on these message boards. You guys are fcking dicks. Spread the peace instead. This comment is the dumbest fcking thing I have ever read on this website. Honest.

anonymous 1/10/2014 7:32:13 AM

Now cover Bezerker with that thing

anonymous 1/10/2014 10:33:01 AM

took what a piece of wood took what a piece of wood took what a piece of wood took what a piece of wood took what a piece of wood took what a piece of wood took what a piece of wood took what a piece of wood

anonymous 1/10/2014 12:04:44 PM

are we even hearing audio? this sounds like it's just the ATB track...

anonymous 1/10/2014 8:16:14 PM

my little brother has a class with this guy. word is he does more than just cover shitty metal songs with that stick.

anonymous 1/10/2014 8:18:12 PM

you idiots are getting trolled. he seriously taped a cord to a wooden stick and pretended that he was playing music with it and you guys are so fcked up you believe it

anonymous 1/11/2014 9:13:08 PM

"stupid. should've panned the original and the djentstick so we could here what he was playing. for all we know he just faked it and eq'ed the song to make it sound like there was something else playing along." I thought so too until i watched it with actual speakers. you can definitely hear it, and it's shockingly acurrate

DaveTech 1/12/2014 3:16:20 AM

"Drummer plays Rush songs on Pots and Pans, proving once and for all Neil Peart of overrated and Rush sucks forever."