Post Commenttrevor does both the high and low vocals on the album... word to the wise ps. this album is t-ts, and aint nothing better than t-ts
i can listen to this album over and over again and not get bored at all. id give this a 9 (i agree on some of the "cookie monster" voxx parts its kinda eh but for the most part its amazing). i cant wait to see these boys live.
what a bunch of dumbf*cks you people are. bdm isnt metalcore. f*ck off. they dont have breakdowns. they are melodic death metal. trevor does all the vocals. not down with the vocals?? well maybe its because you listen to atreyu and dont know what death metal is.
elder misanthropy is the best song on the cd when i first got the cd it was a meh cd but now after giving it a chance it destroys
this is the best cd ever and to those guys that say there metalcore go f*ck yoursleves and listen to your stupid atreyu cds f*cking retards
tell em frankey these ho-cut ass kids dont have a clue wat metal is. and THIS CD IS THE SHIT!
This is album is the shit. Br00tal melodic death.
I would say Im no diffrent. Fist exspression was a waste. Second time around the block and I was blown!
hey bringthechug you are a dumb mother-f*cker... these guys have a ton of breakdowns i.e:their cover of paint it black is proof(although it isnt on this cd...)it's laden with breakdowns...
Badass music, satanic lyrics. One of my fav albums of all time.
The first time I listened to Unhallowed I didn't like it much, but the second time it blew my mind totally. Perfect combination of Metalcore, At the gates and a little bit of Between the buried and me. Great! 9,0