Post CommentYou f*cking shithead. You don't know the first thing about metalcore; we put a lot of time and effort into this CD, and it's one of the heaviest releases of the year. We better not catch you around at any shows, because if my crew sees you, you'll wish you never got out of bed that day. Oh, and to everyone who actually CARES about this record, listen up! Thanks to everybody who bought it already but for those who have not been able to find it, try TARGET, yes TARGET is stocking it for ONLY $6.99
i dont see what the point of reviewing this was when it's obviously going to get some shit low score by default.
I've never in my life posted on a website, or a message board. After hearing how terribly awful this record was, and how accurate this review is, I had to. Stop mixing emo with metal. You're not heavy.
hahahaha. It sounds like they're christian too, f*cking trifecta of bullshit
I wasn't expecting this review to be the best thing ever... but it is. Most straight forward review I've seen in a while.
i laughed when i saw there was a review of this album on LG. and i fully agree with it
I agree, great review. I listened to the first 20 seconds of each song and that was enough
I have to disagree.God forbid if a band sings or has breakdowns..if you dont like the record blow it up..in the nearest microwave..everyone else will be attending their shows and buying their records..while you sit at home unemployed.
f*ck that dick gargling gay. The reviewer has HIS OWN opinion of your dumb f*ck band, if he doesn't like it he doesn't like it. Get over it. f*ck you, and more importantly f*ck your shit band.
i think "the villain inside" of Ryan is The Word Alive's erect "member" Band fails on every level of failure
f*ck all of you metalcore heads, who just f*cking heard breakdowns by copycats in 2007. f*ck deathcore bands you pieces of shit. favor for a cowboy f*ck the whole word alive you shitheads better hide your asses when we see you. you and your whole crew will f*cking get it in the ass
totally agree with this review. I pirated the c.d. cuz i didn't really get into the songs on their myspace but I figured i would get into the other ones. Well I listened to the other songs and the entire album was horrendous. It's sad. I actually like (dare i say...love) scene music and this is just garbage. They try way too hard to be "brootal" and the singing actually gives me headaches every time i listen to it. worst album of 2010.
now that my band salt the wound is back together all pssy shit like this gay non sense will matter no more. f*ck you. f*ck this band. salt the wound is lyfe.
Saw this band a few months ago in Chicago. They told the crowd to f*ck off because no one was "moshing" to their vjayjay music.
Oi, this is right shite, and I'd rather never see my true love again on the bonnie banks o' loch lomond than ever hear this horse pise 'gain, innit.
jamey: you are all that is wrong with hardcore. just because someone thinks your band is shit, you want to beat them up? you are a disgrace.
Great, more worthless gay mall music, thank god for your band...really. 10 out of 8====D - - -
lol, i cant believe some of you gays actually took the jamey gimmick seriously.
ohio is stoked on the return of salt the wound. gay
Hahahahahaha, I love these gays, Im crowding the merch table askin them to play my shitty town. Fanboy for haircore
Say what you will my man, but they put on quite a show
And to "Jamey Alive" Don't post bullshit threats on public websites and then try to promote your band. You look like an idiot.
Danny, I checked out there live vids and they look like they have rabbits jammed up their asses bouncing at the same time. A guy in front of keyboards faking a seizure like an jerk, and they still sound like garbage through all of it. And the Jamey Alive post is the same fake thread that is on every comment page. You obviously dont come here enough. Cuz u are too busy coming in the throats of Word Alive. So yea I agree with this dude saying that this band sucks thick sweaty monkey nuts.
And to "Jamey Alive" Don't post bullshit threats on public websites and then try to promote your band. You look like an idiot. posted by Danny (danwalstedjr@msn.com) on 12/6/2010 4:46:23 PM <-- you fell for the oldest gimmick on this site. see where it says "Name:"? anyone can write any name they want in there. you are a blockhead.
uhm, hi. I take it up the ass every night
minus the singing vocals and the thin production it sounds like frail words collapse from as i lay dying
f*ck you bud. this album is actually good. really though, who the shit do you listen to that is oh so heavy that you compare them to?
I agree with the previous comment. This album is pretty damn good. I don't listen to a lot of metal bands with breakdowns, but I have an exception for The Word Alive. I like to think of them as a younger and more experimental Trivium.
The reviewer of this is a f*cking dipshit. "Regardless, it's probably selling a boatload of copies." NO SHIT SHERLOCK. That's because it's f*cking GOOD. Damn it I hope lambgoat gets shut down for this type of shit.
if you think this is good, you either are not a musician, and its ok think its good because you are ignorant to music, or; you simply have not listened to enough good music and will eventually realize how lame and unoriginal this is...luke holland, you better be getting paid good because this band is a huge waste of your time and talent...
This comment section alone qualifies as a time capsule
first post - best review ever