Post Commentsuprised at an 8/10, figured it would have been less. thought it ripped though.
Unfortunately I'd have to give this album a 6/10 It's just not blowing my head off like I thought it would. It's almost like No Heroes uglier more choppy step brother than anything. Still a tight band, still heavy as all f*ck. But I found myself at the end of a good handful of these songs just thinking "Eh..." Oh well, theyre still Converge. And that might be all they need. But this album is kinda weak. And that sucks to admit.
Nick didn't give this a 7? I'm so confused right now.
Good CD, but still one of this year's biggest disappointments. It is just to repetitious except for a few tracks here and there. The first 3 or 4 songs feel like one song almost.
9/10. this record f*cking rules and i can't comprehend people thinking "meh" after listening to it. some people's ears don't work right, i guess.
10/10 Terrible review. Way to get into the "psyche" of the band, and then review 2 songs. Album of the year.
"No Heroes" was a much better album in my opinion. In fact, No Heroes is my favorite Converge CD. No Heroes had much more variety, better sound, and flowed better as an album.
this album was WEAK AS f*ck and you ALL KNOW IT.
i don't get why people aren't into this album. i'm all for converge trying some new shit out, and there's still plenty of what made past albums great.
Such an incredible album. One of the best Converge albums, even one of the best this year. I doesn't get much better than this.
I hope this band never breaks up. They have been a cornerstone in my music catalog for the last 10 years. This record is pretty close to being there best. Just as far as every record they make is so deeply entrenched with how far they have come as a band. Converge is an almost perfect name for what this band truly represents. A constant convergence within themselves and there scene. If you can't respect that. Than you obviously haven't been around long enough to know 5+ record bands just don't e
Great album. Far superior to No Heroes, which I thought was an inconsistent, heavy-handed mess.
I love Kurt Ballou's chord voicings/guitar textures on this record. Always heavy and still unique sounding. This band is still great after putting out its sixth full-length, which as mentioned earlier almost never happens in hardcore any more.
this album is at least a 9/10. It's solid as f*ck. Easily the best thing they've done since Jane Doe. It's everything I hoped it would be. I really dont understand the haters. Your brain is broken if you listen to heavy music and are dissapointed by Axe to Fall. This shit is glorious.
Really, it sounds like Converge and Converge is awesome. Thats all anyone needs to know.
10/10 because it gave a lot of perspective to the rest of their discography
this album is everything they've ever done... better. 10/10 dum dums.
10/10 It sounds like led zep with anger problem and on mass amounts of cocaine, LOVE IT!
better than no heroes but still far from their best
Converge new album is just as good as all their records. The production isn't as clean as their last record but that is what people usually want in a record at least here. I thought the tracks on this record worked great from start to finish, If you listen to the last two songs you know who guested on those tracks because it does have the sounds of pygmy lush and genghis tron sound. The rest of the tracks sound like Converge with a more epic melody sound approach to make each song themed.
I enjoy swallowing mouthfuls of c-m while listening to this record.
I agree with this review for the most part, Nicks best. People talking shit remind me of n00bs that always bag on Rollins era Black Flag that really don't know what the f*ck they're talking about, they just want to be controversial.
Another solid record by Converge. Wouldn't expect anything less from these guys. Pretty accurate review, even though I tend to not agree with Nick, 8/10 sounds about right. I always enjoy their experimental shit so I'd have to say the closing tracks are probably my favorite so far.
after several listens this album really is tight good review
surprisingly, i agree 100% with this review
Gridiron, your punctuation and awful spelling are offensive. So is your opinion. Kill yourself.
Really, did somebody really say that No heroes was better than this? No heroes was their WORST album by far. I would give Axe to Fall at least a 9. I was very surprised that I would like it that much as I wasn't expecting alot after No Heroes bored me to death. This CD=Jane Doe on crack
why is it nobody else gets that jacob bannons vocals sound like a bobcat. its like a thrash feline version of caninus
i think everyone else realizes that sounding like a bobcat is f*cking awesome
why jacob bannon is a staple to the "hardcore" scene I'll never know. Deathwish puts out some awesome records but Bannon is up his own ass.
Pick up an exclusive free T-shirt with Axe To Fall AT SELECTED HOT TOPIC STORES. Converge is garbage now. This album is sell out shit. Sorry but it had to happen sooner or later, I mean HOT TOPIC, cmon.
Great album but the lyrics are awful. Did a 13 year old scribble these out on the back of a five star notebook during earth science?
artwork/lyrics/song titles have always been about the same, which are all by Bannon's hand. However, bannon live is undeniably incredible. boosh.
from this review i thought it would have been 9/10 regardless i think this album blends all of the best parts of converge
enough great songs to make the whole thing great... dead beat is above 'm all though
I'm going to have to agree with every word said here. I was utterly stoked and counting down the days for Axe to Fall, and when i slid my lil' disc into the player; I was completely content with the first few tracks. Then everything else just seemed on par for Converge. super dope and heavy as all, but nothing sticking out so much to make it on a personal top 10
I think an 8/10 is pretty accurate. If Jane Doe were 10/10 I'd give ATF a 9.
I can't believe how blind some of you are to the fact there is very little variety on this CD (the last two songs are really the only ones that sound different) and shit production. The album is very "tinny" in sound and every song is pretty much the same exact tempo and beat. No Heroes was their best release in my opinion followed closely by Jane Doe.
8/10 huh? Can someone come in and actually review the album without being bias? This album is actually pretty boring. No heroes was great, you fail me sucked, jane doe was phenomenal...these dudes seem to be on an every other album rules kick. We'll have to wait for the next one. I'd give this a 5 at best.
9/10. one of their best. tied with jane doe. all haters are complete gays.
what the f*ck is wrong with you uppity hipster hardcore kids?this is the goddamn best thing they've done since jane doe.jesus f*cking christ,appreciate good hardcore and not the shit your younger stepbrother spoonfeeds you.
8======D~~~~ converge....... this band needs to break up already
Converge can record a full length comprised of unreleased Emmure b-sides and you gays would still be stuffing over it. If this exact record was released by a band nobody ever heard of there's no the reviewer would have even given it a 6/10
"Conversely, the internal desire to continually push into new sonic territories often increases exponentially as a band presses on, especially after they've eclipsed the fourth or fifth record mark." 10/10 sentence, would read again
Lambgoat continues to suck Converge's dck off, what the f*ck else is new
album took me like two weeks of not listening to it after a quick play through before I got the ears for it. will be listening to it more.
a lot of these comments remind me of this dave chappelle bit, where he talks about how women have been getting too much advise about men from other women, who...REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT THE f*ck THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT...for someone to say that 'no heroes' is their best album, is an absurd statement that a f*cking moron with no merit would make, but that's also besides the point...this record ANNIHILATES 'no heroes' and as far as shitty production, you obviously have no clue what the f*ck you're tal
Fair review. i love the entire record except for worms will feed. kills the entire momentum of the album.
YOURGREATDEVESTATOR, you clearly cant comprhend the personal attachment that goes along with Converge's music. You have absolutely no say in what their absolute best album is, no one does. Its a personal kind of thing between us and the music, and for you to declare that Converge is this now or that then, is f*cking bullshit and an elitist overlook. PERSONALLY I think this album was their biggest disappointment, and while I can see where it would kick someone in the nuts. Im just not feeling Con
Oh yeah love that awesome country song at the end of this album, f*cking Bon jovi on steroids, gays just need to go back to basics. And Jacob bannon needs to stop this gay splatter art trend on EVERY ONE OF THEIR CDS SINCE JANE DOE.
8/10? very surprising.