Post Commentthe thin line between boring and nauseating.
is this cd really that bad? this is actually the first good review i've read. i wanna hear it but every other review says it sucks
the vocals are kinda meeehhhhhhh, but its still a trillion times better than anything i could ever do.
I will only purchase albums that are at least a quadrillion times better than what Dave can do.
love some of their work, but this album is pretty weak.
neuraxis was on galy? really? yeah...the last neuraxis album was super grindy. yep.
a) Prosthetic's promo sheet said the albums were released on Galy and distributed in the US through Willowtip. I don't have time to waste researching who has what rights to past albums. b) Nowhere does it say that Trilateral was a grindy album. It says that the band had early grind days that have since faded. But thanks for calling me out on two misunderstandings of little significance.
I'll check it out, but this Nick guy seems like he blows his load on every single review.
I receive way more CDs than I can review. Since I prefer to spend my time promoting music that I feel is good, I tend to lean toward writing reviews for records I like.
trilateral progression>thin line, but this is still a pretty solid album
Trilateral >>> this album disappoints
dude used the album title 6 times in this review.
ottom Line: In The Thing Line Between, the recent chapter of Neuraxis' transformation from its grindier origins into a leading technical death metal act, the band does not fail to impress. HAHAHA- nice quality control!
so boring. trilateral >