Post CommentIf you have a gay haircut, tight jeans and you are considering of getting a tattoo, please f*cking punch your face in.
a excellent addition to my vast collection of deathcore. WDHR=better than rob parker
I'm pretty sure they've had other releases before this one and after Behind Inquisition
They had an ep between BI and this one. Behind Inquisition is one of my favorite metal albums ever. I saw these guys the first night they switched vocalists out and haven't cared about them since. Used to be the coolest thing in Minneapolis. Now just mediocre. Also, why rerecord "tourniquet girl?" That song f*cking kills on Behind Inquisition.
this band sucked in 2003 and still sucks to this day.
yeah they released an EP called The Horror Grows Near in 2004. And i'm sure they wrote some songs well before Expect Hell was released since there was a long gap. I don't think you should be describing a band deathcore as an insult since they were playing death metal influenced metalcore well before the trend set in.
yeah, these guys were playing "deathcore" before the stupid term was invented. at least give them credit for having a more defined and unique guitar style then most of the crap out there. when you hear a dead hands song, you know it's dead hands. Can't say the same for 99% of the cookie-cutter suffocation rip-off riffs running rampant in the "genre". i'd give it a 7.
reviewer seems burnt out on deathcore, which is fine. but it influences the review greatly. should probably hand the record over to someone who isn't biased.
this album is no where near what their past 2 were. I simply cannot get into it at all. They sound like everything else. In thier old albums , they had a sound. when you put that in, you knew it was them. Their new vocalist is incredibly boring with almost 0 range. I almost regret buying this cd.. I agree with the rating.. The old cd's were 10/10
the reviewer is truely burnt, and for good reason. BUT, these reviews should go to people who can see from the outside>in. 15 year old kids aren't jaded and burned out yet, they are impressionable and reviews like this are a huge disservice. Let the young kids have their day, nobody is forcing this shit down our throats.
the vocal patterns i do agree are off on some parts or sound a little weird, but the tone of his voice i think is way better than the vocals on their last release with colin
Solid review. Below average album. 4/10 seems about right.
I am pretty burnt out on this...There is one thing I agree on this album...It just isn't cohesive, at all. It's sounds so messy. They are great musicians, but they don't sound like good songs sadly...
this f*cking rules. you all are gays who jack off to terror albums, i get it.... but end of the day, this rules
"A fairly accomplished deathcore band, sure, but being an accomplished deathcore band is pretty much the same thing as a bodybuilder competing in the special Olympics." hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha This might be the best thing I've read all year.
I really don't think these are terror dorks speaking.... this type of music is in the same state that nu metal was at in 2003.. consider this a last hurrah. Clusterf*ck is an understatement. Music should be art, not competition.
im glad that wdhr doesn't have 100% born of osiris precision execution or any other new glam shine for breakdowns becuase thats why with dead hands rising is so good is cause there so rough on the vocals and timing that it makes it sound even more heavier and not as perfect as all these bands make there cds. its not about polish its about the f*cking message ass pringle
I like this band, but I think they ruined "Tourniquet Girl"
These tools should have gave it up after I left
no way have "the production values have gotten higher". their previous ep sounded a lot better than this album, not to mention it had better songs. too bad, i really liked their previous material.
I think it's a pretty spot on review. Especially the scoring. The album has about three or four decent tracks on it. BTW, the beginning melody of "Ultima" is a cover of Final Fantasy Mystic Quest's battle theme.
I agree with a couple things in this review; more importantly the 4/10. I don't like what they did with the old songs. I use to be a huge wdhr fan and I don't like this cd that much however Ultima is a cool song... pretty much if I'm gona listen to this band it's not gona be this cd thats all.
this album is drop in an ocean of mediocrity. they have nothing to stand apart from their peers. fair review.
Agreed. If anybody notices, the reviewer actually seemed to like wdhr, and almost sounds bummed they recorded a big wad of meh.
Behind Inquisition was badass, too bad they dont even acknowledge on their own myspace... f*ck em
i used to have some mp3's of this shitty ass band and they were a pathetic chunk of downtuned kornmetal... hang it up you midwest jerks
pirst fost. I plan on murdering rob parker.