AlbumsNovember 29, 20117,589 views

Stars Are Falling The Consequence of Revenge

The Consequence of Revenge
01. Giving All We Have 02. I Tried to Dodge a Bullet 03. Our Father 04. Arizona Will Never Be the Same 05. The Challenge 06. Eva 07. Dawn of a New Day 08. This Road Never Ends 09. A Four Letter Lesson in Let Down 10. I Invented the 'It's Not Me It's You' Routine 11. A New Beginning
2006 Blood & Ink Records
Our score 3

by Nick

I have a theory about this album. I believe that Stars Are Falling put an impressive amount of time and effort into researching the trends of the current metalcore scene to compose a complete list of the most annoying and overused musical elements that are causing great discomfort to music fans everywhere.Once this list was developed, they sat down and meticulously planned out their full-length, The Consequence of Revenge, to make sure they included each and every one of those elements. Bury Your Dead type moshcore moments Check. An excessive amount of gang vocals You betcha. Horribly irritating clean singing Obviously. Extremely clichéd lyrics Of course. The list could go on for days. It's almost depressing to sit down and listen to this disc from start to finish because of the incredibly high number of cringe inducing moments. Breakdowns with lyrics like "I'll tell you this one thousand times / My one and only" or "I said I loved you / Always and forever" are simply painful to endure. The extremely predictable songwriting style becomes tiresome after only a few tracks. The clean singing is annoying each and every time it makes an appearance.But then again, what else is there to expect from a album with a cover displaying a gun resting on top of a Bible with a drink in the background On a positive note, the execution of these clichéd metalcore moments is proficient, but that's basically the equivalent of being the smartest kid in a remedial math class. Sure, your mom's going to be proud of you, but everyone else somehow managed to nail down fractions before they made it to the 8th grade. Bottom Line: If you're a listener that wants an album packed with excessive amounts of cheesy, tiresome metalcore trends, then The Consequence of Revenge is for you. If not, you're just wasting your time.


Post Comment
big daddy grip n rip_ 3/9/2007 3:27:17 PM

9/10 - cory

LEX_LUGER_ 3/9/2007 4:07:48 PM


bolognapony_ 3/9/2007 4:19:10 PM


hxcobd_ 3/9/2007 4:36:15 PM

I really like this band's stuff from their "Gun in Hand" days. I had no idea they were still around. Have not heard this album.

lung_ 3/9/2007 4:59:15 PM

def not a 3/10 album. If you can stomach Cast Aside or old Remembering Never you'll like this. It's just a matter of taste. 5.5/10 is more fitting.

sdg_ 3/9/2007 5:02:07 PM

I really like this band's stuff from their "Gun in Hand" days. I had no idea they were still around. Have not heard this album. posted by hxcobd () on 3/9/2007 4:36:15 PM more than likely not the same says debut album

hcb_ 3/9/2007 5:34:45 PM

no care

andrewchrz_ 3/9/2007 5:52:10 PM

I listened to this and it's not bad. But i do agree with the review.

Nick_ 3/9/2007 7:19:03 PM

Stars Are Falling had a self-released full length in 2003. So technically this isn't their debut full length. Sorry for the mix up.

SunnyvaleTrash_ 3/9/2007 11:56:11 PM

LOL-worthy review. Math class rearogy is great!

baobab_ 3/10/2007 12:25:23 PM

I lol'ed at the "remedial math class" thing.

Coldchain_ 3/10/2007 12:28:17 PM

"On a positive note, the execution of these clichéd metalcore moments is proficient, but that's basically the equivalent of being the smartest kid in a remedial math class. Sure, your mom's going to be proud of you, but everyone else somehow managed to nail down fractions before they made it to the 8th grade." ^^ 10/10

g_g_ 3/10/2007 1:36:46 PM

oh Nick, you rascal

tgomkills_ 3/10/2007 3:33:07 PM

awesome review

burzum_ 3/10/2007 3:40:40 PM

f*cking snoooooooze-fest. next....

m00k_ 3/10/2007 7:20:57 PM

:posts review on Stars Are Lolling's message board: :awaits backlash:

dibky_ 3/10/2007 9:51:19 PM

m00k is gay

frank_ 3/11/2007 11:43:41 PM

i like this cd.

Godfatherofsoul_ 3/12/2007 1:06:03 PM

Oh shit you've surpassed yourself... ::bes jealous:: awesome

BURZUM_ 3/14/2007 1:22:34 PM

Trees are dying, recyle services, you know the nerve of this...

defecation_ 3/21/2007 4:35:15 AM
