Post CommentI really like this band's stuff from their "Gun in Hand" days. I had no idea they were still around. Have not heard this album.
def not a 3/10 album. If you can stomach Cast Aside or old Remembering Never you'll like this. It's just a matter of taste. 5.5/10 is more fitting.
I really like this band's stuff from their "Gun in Hand" days. I had no idea they were still around. Have not heard this album. posted by hxcobd () on 3/9/2007 4:36:15 PM more than likely not the same band...review says debut album
I listened to this and it's not bad. But i do agree with the review.
Stars Are Falling had a self-released full length in 2003. So technically this isn't their debut full length. Sorry for the mix up.
LOL-worthy review. Math class rearogy is great!
"On a positive note, the execution of these clichéd metalcore moments is proficient, but that's basically the equivalent of being the smartest kid in a remedial math class. Sure, your mom's going to be proud of you, but everyone else somehow managed to nail down fractions before they made it to the 8th grade." ^^ 10/10
:posts review on Stars Are Lolling's message board: :awaits backlash:
Oh shit you've surpassed yourself... ::bes jealous:: awesome
Trees are dying, recyle services, you know the nerve of this...
9/10 - cory