Post CommentA+ Cory! This album is f*cking amazing and well deserving of the score!
great review, though i have no problems at all with the production
oh no, this wasn't a late review at all....
Get ready for tons more late reviews, smartass. Good job Cory getting it up!
^^ Could be taken in several ways...
George Bush doesn't care about this great band, but really f*cking should.
good review, I completely agree with everything said, best band in hardcore
Best reviewer right now in hardcore, I want to have fun with CORY NO ONE DIES ALONE, YOU TAKE A PIECE OF ME WITH YOU!
Mike wants to lay into Corys little ass. queer. without a doubt one of my top 5 favorite releases of 05
Definitely a top album of 2005. Gotta love the instrumental track, "Whiskey Drunk".
good review. too bad cory doesn't even go to ringworm and fronts on living in cleveland. stay in kent you fake.
oddly, I was at the last Ringworm show and grew up in Cleveland.
excellent f*cking album. excellent f*cking band. i need to cop that "there is no god" t shirt. shits hot.
Best album of 05, without a doubt. Instant-classic down the way it should be.
Whiskey drunk ain't no instrumental track, just the first minute, and a fine ass tune though.
I honestly have to say I was less than impressed with this album. I am not familiar with any of their previous releases but I just think that there wasn't much interesting enough here to warrant a 9. I seriously had to do a double take when I saw you listed this as album of the week. Of course theres little competition but this album just screamed mediocre to me. Rather than find these lyrics compelling I was embarrassed as I went over them for my radio station to find the clean ones. A lot of
I saw this record as mediocre, nothing special. These guys deserve credit for being around as long as they have, but I dont think a 9/10 is really a review I agree with. I will listen to this cd again
"Whiskey Drunk" is an instrumental track. It is an interlude into the next track, "God Eat God". Notice how your CD player switches from Track 6 to Track 7, indicating that they are two separate songs.
this record is good. but get off the bands balls, it makes you look like the most biased reviewer ever.
Every opinion in the review comments that does not fully support Cory or the new Ringworm album 100% deserves to die a young, bloody death.
he says "unilaterally". **tent pole falls and slams to ground, causing tent to....**
this album doesn't deserve a 9 at all. being a fan from the days when the demo was released, this album PALES in comparison. it's almost whigger core... not the scratchy, vile and completely sick sound they used to have. but the past is the past and while this album doesn't hold a candle to older output, it's still decent...i guess
what is this gay talking about, integrity 2000 was the only respectable thing that group ever put out
good review! i've yet to hear this record but i've been waiting for many many years. can't wait to pick it up.