AlbumsNovember 29, 201110,313 views

Nightrage Descent Into Chaos

Descent Into Chaos
01. Being Nothing MP3 02. Phantasma 03. Poems 04. Descent Into Chaos 05. Frozen 06. Drug 07. Silent Solitude 08. Omen 09. Release 10. Solus 11. Jubilant Cry 12. Reality vs. Truth
2005 Century Media Records
Our score 7


There was a time when metal from Sweden, particularly Gothenburg, was seen as something novel, creative, unique, and refreshing. With the break-up of giants like At the Gates, the poor choice of direction of bands like In Flames, and the seemingly endless stylistic bandwagoning of successive American bands, the popular Swedish sound has become bastardized, if not utterly boring. However, this does not mean that quality metal cannot still come out of Sweden. Nightrage is one such example that still offers some sign of life in a very clichéd scene. Perhaps Nightrage's only reason for quality is the fact that they are a super group of sorts. Featuring former members of metal bands like Dream Evil and Septic Flesh, and fronted by Tomas Lindberg formerly of At the Gates (and a thousand other bands), Nightrage know how to put together an album from years of combined experience. Despite losing some of their "star" power since their previous record in the form of Per M. Jensen (the Haunted) and Tom S. Englund (Evergrey), the revamped lineup proves to work together well (however, it should be noted that just last month Lindberg quit the group). The same individual efforts that made previous members' projects memorable are still evident on the newest recording Descent Into Chaos. Lindberg's vocals are as harsh as ever layered on top of a melodic dual guitar attack as expected by this style of metal. The powerful rhythm section backs this up well and offers every thing from mid to slow tempo grooves to furious blast beats. While Descent Into Chaos continues without interruption from where Sweet Vengeance left off, the new album seems to lack some of the intensity that the previous effort had. By intensity, I don't mean heaviness per se; there just seems to be a little umph missing. There is, however, an overabundance of hooks, which could account for the slightly watered down feeling. Sometimes throughout the recording it sounds as though the band is using a standard template for song writing. There isn't a vast amount of difference between the songs, and upon repeated listenings, things become a little repetitive and monotonous. Bottom Line: Of course this lacks the urgency of the Swedish material a decade ago, but to directly compare any current band to something from that era would be unfair. However, if new, quality metal with roots in the classic Swedish sound is desired, and something completely unique and different isn't necessary, then Nightrage certainly delivers.


Post Comment
wolfpack_ 8/15/2005 4:03:30 PM

good band..first post you f*cking losers

Konstrix_ 8/15/2005 4:10:01 PM

good review. in pieces 8/10

har_har_ 8/15/2005 4:32:49 PM

this review is pretty much dead on, good cd, not great, but good

xtroyx_ 8/15/2005 4:59:04 PM

seriously how long is lindberg going to do vocals for metal bands. you'd think after 20 years or however long he's been at it, his taste would progress just a little. this band sounds mostly the same as what he was doing 20 years ago.

Mike_ 8/15/2005 6:05:53 PM

good album all the way through. Definitely worth the guy.

sawtooth_ 8/15/2005 9:34:39 PM

yeah i'd totally guy it. actually i did, and its ok, maybe it'll grow on me.

Coley Thrash_ 8/16/2005 12:11:41 AM

In my opinion, I respect artists that are stuck in their ways. But Lindberg isn't musically stunted. He has grown but he still hangs on to that same root vibe from 20 years back. Great band. Haven't heard most of the album, but I will.

Rob McFeters_ 8/16/2005 1:04:39 AM

I actually think this album is a bit better than "sweet vengeance" but this review is pretty accurate.

TheWood_ 8/16/2005 3:09:50 PM

This isn't bad by any means, but I think Lindberg should focus on Disfear.

DEAD AS DEATH_ 8/17/2005 6:40:52 AM

thsi cd is brings the mosh in full force!

perfectpatientADHDkid_ 8/23/2005 7:29:33 AM

f*ck the Gothernburg sound, just f*ck it up the old ass0rz

JZ_ 5/27/2006 7:25:22 PM

I love this band..and I love how so many people take the easy road to criticism...I guess many see the easiness of typing words into an interface where they will be seen and it's like shitting instead of pondering and entering something actually worth reading which I'm sure you think the same about this post :) All I'm saying is that opinions can come from anyone with vocal cords or fingers to type and it would be more useful if the quality was a higher standard like at