9/7/2012 12:05:38 PM
william shogren from north carolina is a child molester.
7/16/2012 7:35:58 PM
gay? Do I...know you? Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not cut like that. There's plenty of actual gayry on LG for you though, lolz, go hit on someone more receptive to your gay ways
3/28/2012 10:53:07 AM
you are a huge gay, nobody cares what you say or even notices you because you are a huge gay.
3/28/2012 10:50:34 AM
what a man, what a man, what a man, what a might good man. MIGHTY MIGHTY
12/1/2011 12:49:23 PM
hey there coolguy, welcome to Coolville populati*gets swept off feet by you*
10/19/2011 1:24:54 AM
what a huge f*cking disgraceful gay you are. stop posting you overgrown turd.
honky_adonis 6/11/2010 2:56:45 PM Nary a day goes by where I don't think to myself, "I wish my good friend Billy Showbread were here." hahahahah