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Hxcobd comments

evil_hero 11/17/2021 8:25:46 PM

captsagea 5/20/2005 4:08:50 PM finch lmfao

TripleCrownConcerts 3/7/2016 10:46:01 PM

Merauder, Sworn Enemy, Malfunction, Borrowed Time, Wreckage + https://www.facebook.com/e vents/1188703964492765/ Last time in Toronto/Buffalo area.

carveridesagain 3/3/2009 12:57:29 PM


tim_curry 2/19/2009 9:17:06 PM

your reactions are priceless. thanks for laughing at some of my shit.

samsoskeeny 2/19/2009 6:56:34 AM

lets meet at six flags plz

chicken_gang_bang 2/18/2009 6:09:02 AM

I enjoy this guy

thedevastation 2/18/2009 1:50:44 AM

oh haiii lol

worldsnake 2/15/2009 3:47:16 AM

we could do this every night

RobMPB 11/20/2008 9:29:45 AM

I'm going to chain you to a chair and force you to listen to Deadguy's FIXATION for 48 hours straight while a massive polynesian transsexual gives you raw, dry handjobs one after the other.

perilsofreasoning 11/5/2008 7:41:05 PM

your profile pic excited and confused me at the same time

xbumpx 10/6/2008 12:59:59 AM

get a life

xperineumx 10/5/2008 11:16:56 PM

great guy right here. i think i sold you a shirt on ebay once.

GOKILLYOURSELF 9/22/2008 2:37:27 AM

I've seen this person naked way too many times.

dipswitch 9/18/2008 12:51:18 AM

funniest poster of the last 15 minutes right here!

Ronald_Reagan 8/15/2008 10:49:35 PM

Youre a dude times two.

HamWarmer 8/7/2008 9:55:55 AM

I enjoyed the work you did for our demo cover and you will be receiving a thank you if we choose to use it. Appresh.

thetowerofrome 7/21/2008 5:12:40 AM

let's go see religulous when it comes out.

charles_nelson_reilly 4/16/2008 2:32:31 AM

you are a gay dont post in my threads. i will do the same t your threads. thanks

cervical_lancer 4/10/2008 7:03:31 PM

*mans sub*

thepianoplayer 3/5/2008 10:29:26 PM

i like this dude

edmoney 1/8/2008 10:43:38 PM

good dude here

truant_69 11/17/2007 8:06:28 PM

jairus ep - http://download.yousendit.com/8DB28B997508687E

SeveredLn666 10/20/2007 7:40:21 PM

hxcobd u an me shuld be frendz 4ever otay?

toweringinferno 8/5/2007 6:42:02 PM

SUPER cool dude

Time_Machine 7/31/2007 2:59:54 PM

*beeborp beep beep?*