Merauder, Sworn Enemy, Malfunction, Borrowed Time, Wreckage + vents/1188703964492765/ Last time in Toronto/Buffalo area.
your reactions are priceless. thanks for laughing at some of my shit.
I'm going to chain you to a chair and force you to listen to Deadguy's FIXATION for 48 hours straight while a massive polynesian transsexual gives you raw, dry handjobs one after the other.
your profile pic excited and confused me at the same time
great guy right here. i think i sold you a shirt on ebay once.
I enjoyed the work you did for our demo cover and you will be receiving a thank you if we choose to use it. Appresh.
you are a gay dont post in my threads. i will do the same t your threads. thanks
jairus ep -
captsagea 5/20/2005 4:08:50 PM finch lmfao