Yes, in this perfect Utopian band paradise adoring fans could never imagine suing if their feelings got hurt because you didn't play "that one song" they came to hear or some 16 yr's neck got broken from a crowd surfer. This is the real world, jerks sue one another because the coffee was too hot. This scenario plays out 1 of 2 ways - Ryan sucks homeboy from Sumerian's dck and makes right or The Ocean doesn't play big well promoted tours. Ryan, STFU you crybaby.
Yes, in this perfect Utopian band paradise adoring fans could never imagine suing if their feelings got hurt because you didn't play "that one song" they came to hear or some 16 yr's neck got broken from a crowd surfer. This is the real world, jerks sue one another because the coffee was too hot. This scenario plays out 1 of 2 ways - Ryan sucks homeboy from Sumerian's dck and makes right or The Ocean doesn't play big well promoted tours. Ryan, STFU you crybaby.