rick_tocchet 2 hours ago
Having the govt lock you up for being sick and sneaking into a country and getting thrown out of it are two completely different things. But you are so f*cking stupid, how would you know the difference? Getting mad at you is like getting mad at a puppy for pissing on the carpet.
Rick, do you have proof that your ancestors didn't sneak into the country? Why isn't your family line null and void when it pertains to the social construction that is 'citizenship'? Like bro, unless your native American your people snuck into here too. Why should people in 2025 be thrown in detention centers for 'sneaking in illegally' when Rick's shitty hick ass ancestors off the boat in the 18th century were seen as 'new patriots expanding the frontier'. The only reason you think this is because your logic is flawed and based on hatred and propaganda. You literally lives your shit life with the shitglass half full, yet have the audacity to compare others to puppies.
rick_tocchet 2 hours ago Having the govt lock you up for being sick and sneaking into a country and getting thrown out of it are two completely different things. But you are so f*cking stupid, how would you know the difference? Getting mad at you is like getting mad at a puppy for pissing on the carpet. Rick, do you have proof that your ancestors didn't sneak into the country? Why isn't your family line null and void when it pertains to the social construction that is 'citizenship'? Like bro, unless your native American your people snuck into here too. Why should people in 2025 be thrown in detention centers for 'sneaking in illegally' when Rick's shitty hick ass ancestors off the boat in the 18th century were seen as 'new patriots expanding the frontier'. The only reason you think this is because your logic is flawed and based on hatred and propaganda. You literally lives your shit life with the shitglass half full, yet have the audacity to compare others to puppies.