I saw Tim Lambesis in Walmart the other day wearing a headband, spy sunglasses, and a greasy gray T-shirt with a cat also wearing sunglasses on it, and the T-shirt said "I do what I want" and Tim was yelling at a customer for buying the last box of Nachos, rumor has Tim went to other Walmarts later that day to get more Nachos, anyway the spat ended with Tim flipping off the customer as he said "I don't need this, I have my own gym with many friends who are hitmen and you'll be so regretted." Tim swaggered off to the self-checkouts growling "Baby" by Justin Bieber and bought himself a depo testosterone 200 mg. It was the last time I'd ever seen him.
I saw Tim Lambesis in Walmart the other day wearing a headband, spy sunglasses, and a greasy gray T-shirt with a cat also wearing sunglasses on it, and the T-shirt said "I do what I want" and Tim was yelling at a customer for buying the last box of Nachos, rumor has Tim went to other Walmarts later that day to get more Nachos, anyway the spat ended with Tim flipping off the customer as he said "I don't need this, I have my own gym with many friends who are hitmen and you'll be so regretted." Tim swaggered off to the self-checkouts growling "Baby" by Justin Bieber and bought himself a depo testosterone 200 mg. It was the last time I'd ever seen him.