Who ever wrote this review doesn't know what they are talking about. This record is a 10/10. I don't like anything that came out after this, to me the new shit is a waiste of time. But, this album changed my life. this is the album that made me think that chaos was so great. In songs "the Pain of Seperation" and "Distance is Darkness" it is completely chaotic yet there is some controlled sense there (mainly because they play it really tight). This is a great album and if you don't know or own th
Who ever wrote this review doesn't know what they are talking about. This record is a 10/10. I don't like anything that came out after this, to me the new shit is a waiste of time. But, this album changed my life. this is the album that made me think that chaos was so great. In songs "the Pain of Seperation" and "Distance is Darkness" it is completely chaotic yet there is some controlled sense there (mainly because they play it really tight). This is a great album and if you don't know or own th