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anonymous 90 days ago

I think Dave truly f*cked up on this one. Every female loved him. They all loved Everlong. After what he did, the female audience will never see him the same. The only thing that would make sense is if he goes on 20/20 or 60 minutes with his wife and talk about it. Otherwise it's just a bunch more shows just to fill arenas. The days of musicians having privacy in the real world is over. Dave Grohl is too famous to f*ck up like this. If they decide to try and tour without addressing this, they'll most likely get booed. No one else's fault. The band didn't deserve this. Dave needs to be very calculated with his moves going forward. Ultimately he should just call it quits and do something else. Them Crooked Vultures would be great cause he'd be on drums and would just sit there and STFU
