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anonymous 182 days ago

Not hardcore or metal, but I'll give it a pass because the band is so good and I last saw them 12 years ago at Bonnaroo(also in 2009 at a smaller venue). Incredible concerts, also f*cking LOUD AS SHIT. Kinda like if Sleep, Godspeed You Black Emperor, Swans, A Place to Bury Strangers and My Bloody Valentine got put in a blender volume wise. The only concert I can even think of that topped their volume output was seeing U2 at a football stadium with that kinda sound system. I think my ears rang for 10 days after that one. Happy they're still making music at least. Especially with jackasses like Black Midi calling it quits, let alone all of the hardcore and metal dumbasses that quit music for stupid shit like careers, money and family/friends. Get a grip, you're not artists, you're cashiers.
