Calm , Calm everyone, can't we all just get along? Now that I attempted to tone down the constant hostility of web posts, let me try to get my point across. I think what everyone needs to accept here is that Every Time I Die is not too much more than a c-ck-rock, catchy-as-f*ck, dance-and-chug-til-the-night-ends band that is the closest thing to a classic 80s rock band that the scene will ever see. They are really good at what they do, though we may not like to admit it, and each new effort t
Calm , Calm everyone, can't we all just get along? Now that I attempted to tone down the constant hostility of web posts, let me try to get my point across. I think what everyone needs to accept here is that Every Time I Die is not too much more than a c-ck-rock, catchy-as-f*ck, dance-and-chug-til-the-night-ends band that is the closest thing to a classic 80s rock band that the scene will ever see. They are really good at what they do, though we may not like to admit it, and each new effort t