okay, from a musician standpoint.. i've been playing guitar for 11 years , not intently studying the damned instrument but i know my way around, not going around sweeping crazy shit though.. as far as i can tell.. gloom and how it gets in the way isn't particular special or stands out as guitar work.. it's typical etid pull offs and hammer ons and random note bending.. it's not mind blowing by any means.. i'm not sure what to think of this cd yet.. definitely not blown away but maybe it will gr
okay, from a musician standpoint.. i've been playing guitar for 11 years , not intently studying the damned instrument but i know my way around, not going around sweeping crazy shit though.. as far as i can tell.. gloom and how it gets in the way isn't particular special or stands out as guitar work.. it's typical etid pull offs and hammer ons and random note bending.. it's not mind blowing by any means.. i'm not sure what to think of this cd yet.. definitely not blown away but maybe it will gr