Good. Guitars are dead instruments anyway. Nobody learns that shit anymore, it's literally a boomer instrument. Yes people in hardcore and metal use guitars but look at the wider world of music. Guitars are dead. So are most other instruments to be honest. But ask any girl what she thinks when she sees a guy with a guitar. Boomer. You can't be extreme anymore if you've been sounding the same for 30-35 years. Time to move on so f*ck Sam Ash and f*ck Guitar Center.
Good. Guitars are dead instruments anyway. Nobody learns that shit anymore, it's literally a boomer instrument. Yes people in hardcore and metal use guitars but look at the wider world of music. Guitars are dead. So are most other instruments to be honest. But ask any girl what she thinks when she sees a guy with a guitar. Boomer. You can't be extreme anymore if you've been sounding the same for 30-35 years. Time to move on so f*ck Sam Ash and f*ck Guitar Center.