anonymous 1 hour ago
Brady Ebert's personal fluffer will be in here soon to go on his usual 50-post meltdown about Turnstile
anonymous 1 hour ago
Turnstile doing everything but put out new music because they don't have a songwriter. Pathetic how they're milking it with gimmicky shit. How badly is their next album gonna bomb
^^😆😆😆 right on cue like you said. Dude is so mad at turnstile and obsessed with Brady it's pathetic
anonymous 1 hour ago Brady Ebert's personal fluffer will be in here soon to go on his usual 50-post meltdown about Turnstile anonymous 1 hour ago Turnstile doing everything but put out new music because they don't have a songwriter. Pathetic how they're milking it with gimmicky shit. How badly is their next album gonna bomb ^^😆😆😆 right on cue like you said. Dude is so mad at turnstile and obsessed with Brady it's pathetic