I want a list of Hardcore bands that sell out venues with ZERO support.
Mindforce sold out St.Vitus Bar & TV Eye without any other bands listed.
Are you this stupid in real life? Support helps the draw hence "support", openers just open - they play for free for exposure, play so everyone who wants to see the headliner has enough time to pay in to see them. Openers add nothing draw-wise you dumbass.
I want a list of Hardcore bands that sell out venues with ZERO support. Mindforce sold out St.Vitus Bar & TV Eye without any other bands listed. Are you this stupid in real life? Support helps the draw hence "support", openers just open - they play for free for exposure, play so everyone who wants to see the headliner has enough time to pay in to see them. Openers add nothing draw-wise you dumbass.