anonymous 6 hours ago
Loathe has been touring on the same album for 4 years now?? They lost their second guitar who probably wrote all the songs. And they can't write new music anywhere near as good..
I'm not a big fan of Loathe but people still seem to like that album so whatever I guess. Better to do that than release a new album like Code Orange did and have it fail terribly. Now CO can't even headline.
anonymous 6 hours ago Loathe has been touring on the same album for 4 years now?? They lost their second guitar who probably wrote all the songs. And they can't write new music anywhere near as good.. I'm not a big fan of Loathe but people still seem to like that album so whatever I guess. Better to do that than release a new album like Code Orange did and have it fail terribly. Now CO can't even headline.