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anonymous 12/7/2023 8:21:27 AM

Fun fact: veggies, fruits, and grains are filled with carbohydrates and sugar. >> Everything has carbohydrates & sugars & none of that has added/refined sugar. That gets converted to fat. >> Everything is. If vegans arent careful they can get fat super easy. >> If they consume more calories than they burn yes. Dietary fat doesn't make you fat nearly as bad as net carbs do. Having a majority of your diet come from animal products is an excellent weight loss protocol. Eating mostly hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, roast beef, pork chops, deli meats etc. all the time are not waistline slimmers - quite the opposite. Name me ONE vegetable, fruit, or grain which leads to heart disease. Vegetables, fruits & grains with grilled chicken & fish once a week each plus at least 15K steps a day & pushups to failure daily would lead to weight loss.
