anonymous 20 minutes ago
^^^ WTF are you babbling about? He books Scowl numbnuts. Are you one of his This Is Hardcore Fest helpers he pays just a pass price per day? Go get some more bottled water or ice & clean the toilets bitch.
^ yeah you would know since you are obsessed with Joe hardcore and scowl lol. " I emailed him" loooooooooooooooooooooooooool
anonymous 20 minutes ago ^^^ WTF are you babbling about? He books Scowl numbnuts. Are you one of his This Is Hardcore Fest helpers he pays just a pass price per day? Go get some more bottled water or ice & clean the toilets bitch. ^ yeah you would know since you are obsessed with Joe hardcore and scowl lol. " I emailed him" loooooooooooooooooooooooooool