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anonymous 6/5/2023 4:08:13 PM

I thought this was all a smear campaign but then I looked into it more deeply. It seems Till is a sex addict who "needs" constant sex from very young women who he has not slept with before. (Hey who doesn't lol) But the more sex he had, the more bored he became, and he began to cross the line as a way to deal with it. They keep saying "we are not aware of any official investigations" but this is a lie, the Lithuanian police opened a case and German authorities are getting involved. It seems that young women are rounded up by various means, and a crew member will spend quite some time filming them (face close ups, etc) as well as taking photos. Till then views footage and selects the ones he wants to sleep with. The selected then go to another room with lots of food and liquor. Till will then come in and pour them all a drink which supposedly is when the women are drugged. It doesn't look good for Till
