Sure are a lot of statist simps in these comment threads. Bunch of "govern me harder daddy" bitches claiming to have full confidence in the very institutions that responsible for some of the worst atrocities in history. Lies, murder, and theft are what you're supporting when you ignore the truth. Glad you f-slurs like my handle. It's my only profile just so you know. Crass is awesome too. Not sure why you pronouns thought that was a diss... lol
Good job voting in two retards. One feeble old man who needed multiple phony ballots from a manufactured pandemic crisis, and a Governer in Pennsylvania who breaks a sweat stringing together a sentence. You're just playing team sports. These dorks are just playing team sports.
Sure are a lot of statist simps in these comment threads. Bunch of "govern me harder daddy" bitches claiming to have full confidence in the very institutions that responsible for some of the worst atrocities in history. Lies, murder, and theft are what you're supporting when you ignore the truth. Glad you f-slurs like my handle. It's my only profile just so you know. Crass is awesome too. Not sure why you pronouns thought that was a diss... lol Good job voting in two retards. One feeble old man who needed multiple phony ballots from a manufactured pandemic crisis, and a Governer in Pennsylvania who breaks a sweat stringing together a sentence. You're just playing team sports. These dorks are just playing team sports.