They don't have the advanced industry chops to last...dozens of bands do what they do 10x better. Sorry man...get into them all you want but their days are numbered >>>
Bottom line is they don't have Brady Ebert anymore & that's a loss. Anyone who replaces him is a downgrade.
All these people saying Greg will write music GTFOH. No way is Turnstile's management taking a chance on him an unknown quantity.
Whoever says Brendan will write all the music riddle me this: if he's such a good songwriter how come Brady wrote most of Glow On? Spare me TUI - we're not talking TUI.
They don't have the advanced industry chops to last...dozens of bands do what they do 10x better. Sorry man...get into them all you want but their days are numbered >>> Bottom line is they don't have Brady Ebert anymore & that's a loss. Anyone who replaces him is a downgrade. All these people saying Greg will write music GTFOH. No way is Turnstile's management taking a chance on him an unknown quantity. Whoever says Brendan will write all the music riddle me this: if he's such a good songwriter how come Brady wrote most of Glow On? Spare me TUI - we're not talking TUI.