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anonymous 2/20/2023 3:04:16 PM

"I'm not moving any goal posts you moron." Every new story you do. "I don't work in the music industry." I am, which is how I know you're always wrong. "Take their dicks out of your mouth." Don't even like the band. "They won't be the next Nirvana, Pearl Jam or whatever big fu ckin band YOU PERSONALLY want them to be - keep crying about it." No one's claiming they will. "You are the biggest asskisser & guess what? I don't hate or even dislike Turnstile I just love riling up idiots like you who act like cult members - even K Pop fans know when to chill." You're the obsessed one. "I get it you see your own success or promise of success in them. You want to open for them, be as big as them or you want your pal's band to. That's a nice dream." Not at all, I just use logic, common sense and facts and figures, live on planet earth and so on.
