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anonymous 2/20/2023 12:08:13 PM

Imagine your life's goal is to try and convince 14 people in a comments section that a band you hate isn't popular when all the hard evidence is there that they are. What a life Never said they weren't popular doofus who's all 14 commenters, I said they're not gonna blow up to be The Next Big Thing like their machine & the bloated music industry desperately wants them to be. Just because lotsa 21-35 year olds 90% of which have zero clue about hardcore punk or metal like em doesn't mean they'll be Nirvana 2 or even Pearl Jam 2. I know the late 20s early 30s manboys dressed like 1995 grunge teens so desperately want to be PJ2 dressed like that but well...you actually have to write music yourself like PJ did not have a big name producer hold your hand.
