LMAO @ all you FU CK IN LOSERS defending Turnstile like your momz got f uc ked.
Go support them, a weirdo 311/Jane's Addiction/Snapcase mashup with dudes dressing & having hair like it's 1995.
I can't wait til these clowns have to stop milking Glow On & start writing a new LP without Brady Ebert the guy who wrote Glow On.
Let's see that followup match or better Glow On with a dude from a failed thrash band writing in his place.
You all kiss Turnstile ass cuz you wish you had what they have.
LMAO @ all you FU CK IN LOSERS defending Turnstile like your momz got f uc ked. Go support them, a weirdo 311/Jane's Addiction/Snapcase mashup with dudes dressing & having hair like it's 1995. I can't wait til these clowns have to stop milking Glow On & start writing a new LP without Brady Ebert the guy who wrote Glow On. Let's see that followup match or better Glow On with a dude from a failed thrash band writing in his place. You all kiss Turnstile ass cuz you wish you had what they have.