D-e-l-u-s-i-o-na-l Go back to teaching your "Music industry" classes at Full sail and MIT.
^^^ Moron who thinks saying gross isn't net is MIT. Try common sense dumbass.
Keep thinking Turnstile is gonna f uc k you.
If Turnstile was smart they'd do Cameos considering all the dickriding morons like you out there. $100 for them to shout out your band they laugh at off camera - profit off the ballhugging
D-e-l-u-s-i-o-na-l Go back to teaching your "Music industry" classes at Full sail and MIT. ^^^ Moron who thinks saying gross isn't net is MIT. Try common sense dumbass. Keep thinking Turnstile is gonna f uc k you. If Turnstile was smart they'd do Cameos considering all the dickriding morons like you out there. $100 for them to shout out your band they laugh at off camera - profit off the ballhugging