anonymous 2 hours ago
Nickelback is heavier than Code Orange and the guys admittedly write lyrics that they think are funny and cash out.
On the other end of the spectrum you have these guys/gal dressing up like they're in Blade 7 making techno beats playing Trent Reznor.
I'll take Nickelback…
^^ same here. Unpopular opinion here maybe but I love silver side up and the long road. Next albums were half filler because of the ballads. Then again, other half is good, band is having fun and getting rich doing it. Well-deserved. That's something bands without identity à la code orange will never get
anonymous 2 hours ago Nickelback is heavier than Code Orange and the guys admittedly write lyrics that they think are funny and cash out. On the other end of the spectrum you have these guys/gal dressing up like they're in Blade 7 making techno beats playing Trent Reznor. I'll take Nickelback… ^^ same here. Unpopular opinion here maybe but I love silver side up and the long road. Next albums were half filler because of the ballads. Then again, other half is good, band is having fun and getting rich doing it. Well-deserved. That's something bands without identity à la code orange will never get