anonymous 16 minutes ago
it was a really weird move to build the "new" version of this band around Jami as the frontman when Reba does most of the vocals, has the most range, and is the centerpiece in nearly all their big/good songs. Part of why I kinda like this band is because Reba has so aggressively pushed away from any sort of special treatment for being a woman in a band, but she's obviously the most versatile talent.
But she doesn't do the most vocals, Jami does and has been the focus of their last two bad singles. Fine, I'm a simp too, but it's obvious Reba's the most musically talented person in the band. Jami had to talk her out of her classical flute program at Temple to continue CO(would she have been better off?). And as you noted, she's not into politics or gender at all, which is such a welcome contrast from activists like Emma from Dying Wish or Madi from YOTK. All that doesn't add up to much though if she continues to let Jami run things.
anonymous 16 minutes ago it was a really weird move to build the "new" version of this band around Jami as the frontman when Reba does most of the vocals, has the most range, and is the centerpiece in nearly all their big/good songs. Part of why I kinda like this band is because Reba has so aggressively pushed away from any sort of special treatment for being a woman in a band, but she's obviously the most versatile talent. But she doesn't do the most vocals, Jami does and has been the focus of their last two bad singles. Fine, I'm a simp too, but it's obvious Reba's the most musically talented person in the band. Jami had to talk her out of her classical flute program at Temple to continue CO(would she have been better off?). And as you noted, she's not into politics or gender at all, which is such a welcome contrast from activists like Emma from Dying Wish or Madi from YOTK. All that doesn't add up to much though if she continues to let Jami run things.