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NorthFromHere 2/18/2023 12:24:59 PM

anonymous 3 minutes ago If there's one band that proves the old guard of label A&R doesn't work anymore, it's Code Orange. Their music is perfectly passable, they're gushed over and hyped up in every publication, they've played every major festival, both genre and mainstream, they're all over wrestling which is more popular than ever, they've opened for the biggest bands in the genre, Slipknot, Deftones, Korn etc, there's a full on early 00s nostalgia thing and these guys can barely move more records than they did on deathwish when they were a converge jerk off band. Very well summed up. They have no marketable personality--Jami is everywhere and he turns people off--and everyone else is quiet. If you got rid of him I think they'd find a successful niche, but they never were and never are going to become big.
