The live music promotion business is total manufactured garbage sleaze.
Let's have some fun here. Say Year Of The Knife is chosen as the next big thing (I know but try to control your laughter & suspend belief here.)
Live Nation books them into Irving Plaza with two no draw pieces of crap. They give out 1000 tickets for free & pay each attendee $100 to show up. That's 100K to buy a crowd - a drop in the bucket & a tiny price to spread the illusion that YOTK is the newest big band to come out of hardcore. 200 dopes pay $30 to get in & YOTK is paid that (the two openers zilch.)
They then get put on big tours & fests their main booster Joe Hardcore could only dream of doing. If they take off, great. If not oh well & they at least pay their rent.
And it isn't just hardcore & metal who does this. Look at your average latest slew of bands headlining Bowery Presents shows. WHO THE F UCK ARE MANY OF THESE BANDS? A two dude laptop dance band selling out Terminnal 5 or so BP says.
The live music promotion business is total manufactured garbage sleaze. Let's have some fun here. Say Year Of The Knife is chosen as the next big thing (I know but try to control your laughter & suspend belief here.) Live Nation books them into Irving Plaza with two no draw pieces of crap. They give out 1000 tickets for free & pay each attendee $100 to show up. That's 100K to buy a crowd - a drop in the bucket & a tiny price to spread the illusion that YOTK is the newest big band to come out of hardcore. 200 dopes pay $30 to get in & YOTK is paid that (the two openers zilch.) They then get put on big tours & fests their main booster Joe Hardcore could only dream of doing. If they take off, great. If not oh well & they at least pay their rent. And it isn't just hardcore & metal who does this. Look at your average latest slew of bands headlining Bowery Presents shows. WHO THE F UCK ARE MANY OF THESE BANDS? A two dude laptop dance band selling out Terminnal 5 or so BP says.