are you jealous you piece of shit that they make real heavy music for the earth and are going to land so much tail while you eat cheetos in your basement gaygt
^^ go fck yourself, they aren't creating music for the earth nor are they trying to preserve it. I'm sure their carbon footprint is just as high as the next dime a dozen whatever genre music they are trying to play. Someone did it before them. But grats on the big contract, jesus obviously helped them. So not fair.
are you jealous you piece of shit that they make real heavy music for the earth and are going to land so much tail while you eat cheetos in your basement gaygt ^^ go fck yourself, they aren't creating music for the earth nor are they trying to preserve it. I'm sure their carbon footprint is just as high as the next dime a dozen whatever genre music they are trying to play. Someone did it before them. But grats on the big contract, jesus obviously helped them. So not fair.