anonymous33 seconds ago
All these motherfckers in their crew and friends are like "man people just focus on Tom, and don't blame the band and other people for it".... People are focusing on the attacker and their friends because this shit has happened too often for too long and people were always silenced and shit was swept under the rug, it's time to speak and let these motherfckers knows this kind of shit is ok and will not be tolerated.
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anonymous33 seconds ago All these motherfckers in their crew and friends are like "man people just focus on Tom, and don't blame the band and other people for it".... People are focusing on the attacker and their friends because this shit has happened too often for too long and people were always silenced and shit was swept under the rug, it's time to speak and let these motherfckers knows this kind of shit is ok and will not be tolerated. permalink | report abuse