I heard tom Alderson went back In time and assaulted himself at this is hardcore twenty fourteen and used karebear as a patsy in order to have him removed from suburban scum. In the year twenty twenty three tom is the singer of sub scum. They (re)release internal war and play to rooms of fifteen kids. Karebear attempts to put things right with his own time machine but ends up assaulting tom at this is hardcore twenty fifteen thus completing the cycle.
I heard tom Alderson went back In time and assaulted himself at this is hardcore twenty fourteen and used karebear as a patsy in order to have him removed from suburban scum. In the year twenty twenty three tom is the singer of sub scum. They (re)release internal war and play to rooms of fifteen kids. Karebear attempts to put things right with his own time machine but ends up assaulting tom at this is hardcore twenty fifteen thus completing the cycle.