Hey guys Aaron Bedard here, lead singer of the Boston hardcore outfit Bane. Ante up guys for the tour cause Bane is over. This is us walking out the door for good. I mean we still have 14 tours lined up and a new record to write and record but we're basically out the door right now, this is it. We're going out with a bang! We might even be gone if you blink so stay tuned. Oh yeah and be sure to buy merch so that the band isn't pissed when I blow all the money at the casino. Ante up y'all!
Hey guys Aaron Bedard here, lead singer of the Boston hardcore outfit Bane. Ante up guys for the tour cause Bane is over. This is us walking out the door for good. I mean we still have 14 tours lined up and a new record to write and record but we're basically out the door right now, this is it. We're going out with a bang! We might even be gone if you blink so stay tuned. Oh yeah and be sure to buy merch so that the band isn't pissed when I blow all the money at the casino. Ante up y'all!