Someone just showed me this, NO idea how r name/my names got involved in this but its getting CRAZY!! Hi it's REBA (Code Orange). Just for the record we don't get our freaks onAT ALL. I'm not even experienced!!! --yet ;) Our next tour is with BANE. Free entry if you bring a tube of Clearasil Adult Ultra. I'll even think about losing my V CARD if you have wear a Turmoil shirt!! xoxo
Someone just showed me this, NO idea how r name/my names got involved in this but its getting CRAZY!! Hi it's REBA (Code Orange). Just for the record we don't get our freaks onAT ALL. I'm not even experienced!!! --yet ;) Our next tour is with BANE. Free entry if you bring a tube of Clearasil Adult Ultra. I'll even think about losing my V CARD if you have wear a Turmoil shirt!! xoxo