To sum it up: Ian is spineless loser, Karefatfck is spineless loser, singer of Bane dates/beats teenagers, singer in Backtrack is a trust fund baby wannabe Godfather, Punjab in Backtrack is a sleazy "cool guy" who is actually a Hindu mama's boy/nerd, East Coast old guys are the worst diplomats in the world, Code Orange Kids are geeks/groupie whores(we already knew that, just look at them, and Incediary gets an honorable mention.
To sum it up: Ian is spineless loser, Karefatfck is spineless loser, singer of Bane dates/beats teenagers, singer in Backtrack is a trust fund baby wannabe Godfather, Punjab in Backtrack is a sleazy "cool guy" who is actually a Hindu mama's boy/nerd, East Coast old guys are the worst diplomats in the world, Code Orange Kids are geeks/groupie whores(we already knew that, just look at them, and Incediary gets an honorable mention.