Well, this was a beginning to a lot of bands. this is where all the red hearts and red roses, and red murderers and love murdering, and black hearts and dead hearts and blood love and (fill in blank)... started. it's where so many found salvation in the most pretentious shit i've ever heard. they were not the first to incorporate a rock feel into their music or into their stage presence. they just shamelessly did it all the time and used it as a gimmick for people to think they had style. i f*ck
Well, this was a beginning to a lot of bands. this is where all the red hearts and red roses, and red murderers and love murdering, and black hearts and dead hearts and blood love and (fill in blank)... started. it's where so many found salvation in the most pretentious shit i've ever heard. they were not the first to incorporate a rock feel into their music or into their stage presence. they just shamelessly did it all the time and used it as a gimmick for people to think they had style. i f*ck