anonymous3 hours agoDO EVERY ONE A fckING FAVOR AND KILL YOURSELVES, ALL YOU HATING QUEERS, DANZA POUNDS AND CREATE(S) GREAT MUSIC, YOU(')R(E) SO JEALOUS IT'S SICKENING. YOU CAN(')T BUY TALENT!!!!!! no but apparently you bought a g.e.d. -*good enough diploma*... fcking moron douchebag bastufft dwelling c*nt.
anonymous3 hours agoDO EVERY ONE A fckING FAVOR AND KILL YOURSELVES, ALL YOU HATING QUEERS, DANZA POUNDS AND CREATE(S) GREAT MUSIC, YOU(')R(E) SO JEALOUS IT'S SICKENING. YOU CAN(')T BUY TALENT!!!!!! no but apparently you bought a g.e.d. -*good enough diploma*... fcking moron douchebag bastufft dwelling c*nt.