all of you posting comments calling people who enjoy this band or this album scum, idiots, gays. etc; does that make you feel good? do you feel like a badass now? the majority of you are posting anonymously anyway. so you don't like anything this band has put out since their first 1-2 releases...great, move on with your lives. no need to bash a good band that is actually talented and people do enjoy. you haven't accomplished anything by doing so. please get over yourselves, and grow up.
all of you posting comments calling people who enjoy this band or this album scum, idiots, gays. etc; does that make you feel good? do you feel like a badass now? the majority of you are posting anonymously anyway. so you don't like anything this band has put out since their first 1-2 releases...great, move on with your lives. no need to bash a good band that is actually talented and people do enjoy. you haven't accomplished anything by doing so. please get over yourselves, and grow up.