god forbid a band play a breakdown or two in a song. rob parker your a f*cking douche who doesnt know shit about music. TGI isnt a metalcore band, you dont really see them opening up for as i lay dying now do u? your to busy to sitting in your office instead of actually going out and seeing this band. they are the most energetic band i have ever seen. so rob parker you just sit there with your dildo up your ass and write about shit you know nothing about. good job gay.
god forbid a band play a breakdown or two in a song. rob parker your a f*cking douche who doesnt know shit about music. TGI isnt a metalcore band, you dont really see them opening up for as i lay dying now do u? your to busy to sitting in your office instead of actually going out and seeing this band. they are the most energetic band i have ever seen. so rob parker you just sit there with your dildo up your ass and write about shit you know nothing about. good job gay.