People on this site give shitty bands like Despised Icon good reviews...did anyone on here expect this cd to get a good rating? I love this cd but music like this is hard for many people to take in because it doesn't sound like hardly anything out they listen to simple somewhat cliche shit like despised icon.
This is an excellent cd and even if you can't get into it that doesn't give anyone an excuse to call this cd a mess. Genghis Tron is a very creative and unique band...and crea
People on this site give shitty bands like Despised Icon good reviews...did anyone on here expect this cd to get a good rating? I love this cd but music like this is hard for many people to take in because it doesn't sound like hardly anything out they listen to simple somewhat cliche shit like despised icon. This is an excellent cd and even if you can't get into it that doesn't give anyone an excuse to call this cd a mess. Genghis Tron is a very creative and unique band...and crea