NewsDecember 8, 2007 2:00 PM ET10,475 views

Born of Osiris, Veil of Maya, etc. tour

Born of Osiris will headline a January tour with support from Veil of Maya, After The Burial, and Sea of Treachery. Here are the dates: 1/11 Elk Grove, IL @ Elk Grove VFW 1/12 St. Louis, MO @ 2 Cents Plain 1/13 South Bend, IN @ Elva's 1/14 Grand Rapids, MI @ TBA 1/15 Saginaw, MI @ Olde Jamestowne Hall 1/16 Detroit, MI @ The Hayloft 1/17 Pittsburgh, PA @ The School 1/18 Springfield, VA @ Jaxx 1/19 Danville, VA @ Plan B 1/20 Johnson City, TN @ The Hideaway 1/21 Augusta, GA @ Sector 7G 1/22 Nashville, TN @ The Muse 1/23 Covington, KY @ Madhatter 1/24 Dayton, OH @ TBA 1/25 Des Moines, IA @ TBA 1/26 Maplewood, MN @ Showcase Skatepark 1/27 Milwaukee, WI @ Shorewood Legion Hall


Post Comment

xvegeedgex 12/8/2007 11:07:14 AM

First post.

xvegeedgex 12/8/2007 11:07:31 AM

First post.

josh213 12/8/2007 11:08:01 AM


bensy 12/8/2007 11:27:18 AM


ikillinmydreams 12/8/2007 11:37:08 AM

awesome f'in tour...fck off if you think otherwise

get__offyourcross 12/8/2007 12:29:10 PM

i'd definately go to see veil of maya... if this was coming anywhere near me.

scaggs 12/8/2007 12:44:39 PM

ikillinmydreams= terrible taste in music

mike_dexter 12/8/2007 1:11:46 PM

born of osiris = terrible terrible terrible

Turd_Furgeson 12/8/2007 1:47:01 PM

Is BOO really headlining this??

threexs 12/8/2007 1:52:08 PM

born of osiris is good. will be at 1/11

Senpai 12/8/2007 3:22:11 PM

hahaha BOO

ikillinmydreams 12/8/2007 3:38:57 PM

scaggs- i was listening to the music you like when i was 12 then decided to reckognize actual talent

seaoffaggotry 12/8/2007 4:10:09 PM

Sea of gayry. Oh wait.

hussle 12/8/2007 5:36:32 PM

a thing of beauty

neighbordave 12/8/2007 5:39:44 PM

veil of maya! =)

_mapexdrummer_ 12/8/2007 7:27:24 PM

ikillinmydreams 12/8/2007 3:38:57 PM scaggs- i was listening to the music you like when i was 12 then decided to reckognize actual talent LOL gay tour

Quesadilla 12/8/2007 7:45:49 PM

No westcoast dates. WTF. Veil and ATB never show up here...

shaihulud2k1 12/8/2007 7:55:23 PM

they are on tour with vader and malevolent creation out there right now. you idiot.

fryin_cojax 12/8/2007 9:43:48 PM

new veil of maya (minus the vocals) sounds good. new after the burial is gonna be t-ts. fck born of the faceless/osiris/rosecrance/underoath cover band.

fleshandblood 12/8/2007 10:05:31 PM

Good tour, amazing guys, fck all you lambgoat haters!

fryin_cojax 12/8/2007 10:23:35 PM

LOL @ fleshandblood. she's dating veil of maya's new vocalist. her opinion is invalid. PWNED.

hussle 12/8/2007 10:32:52 PM

yet to be seen how the new guy in atb is

deathcoresucks 12/8/2007 10:41:20 PM

Born of Osiris is really good. I'll be in JC for that one.

brb123 12/9/2007 12:04:17 AM

you've never seen me play ash therefore your opinion is invalid PWN

chas 12/9/2007 1:11:33 AM

neighbordave 12/8/2007 5:39:44 PM veil of maya! =)

shaihulud2k1 12/9/2007 1:23:16 AM

LOL @ bickering between friends of friends of friends

misinformationage 12/9/2007 1:24:09 AM

and i'm datying the old veil singer, and i won't get owned ;) unless you think differnely now buddy. i;ll always respect the falafel king

misinformationage 12/9/2007 1:24:58 AM

fcking drunk. damn

misinformationage 12/9/2007 1:26:18 AM

hi tim, hope shits going well for you!

fryin_cojax 12/9/2007 2:50:58 AM

rachel (adam rachel lol), i still gots mad love and respect for you and adam, cause adam > brandon's vocals.

fryin_cojax 12/9/2007 2:52:32 AM

oh and also, brandon dude, it's nothing personal against you. i just don't like your vocals PLUS from what i SAW and HEARD first hand when you were in mirror/mirror and iscariot, i didn't like.

brb123 12/9/2007 5:29:29 AM

how bout this ash i send u a song live from the HOB LA and you tell me what you think before you talk more smack

ass_shit 12/9/2007 6:24:53 AM

Born Of Osiris is a headlining band now!!!????

thatsharkwasreal 12/9/2007 8:53:08 AM

mirror mirror sucks, iscariot is horrible adam is a way better vocalist than this new guy will ever be.

shaihulud2k1 12/9/2007 10:35:52 AM

I love this comments section. Hey Rachel, did you guys move?

misinformationage 12/9/2007 12:50:39 PM

yeah! about 2 months ago. things are going well, getting on our feet again, i got accepted to the U, new band opportunities etc. how are you? heard you're selling your guitar? weaaaak ;)

fryin_cojax 12/9/2007 4:55:31 PM

that's fine with me brandon. i'm just going off from what i've heard from your past bands dude. again, it's nothing personal. so prove me wrong. send me that shit.

dance_machine 12/9/2007 5:19:29 PM

I used to love going to Veil of Maya shows. Been a fan since they first came around. It will be hard to support them now with this gay mirror mirror child as a frontman.

dance_machine 12/9/2007 5:21:06 PM

This show could be good if After the Burial and Veil of Maya were original lineup. Not really digging the new After the Burial vocals either.

dance_machine 12/9/2007 5:23:24 PM

Yes, Adam was the shit on vocals. This Brandon gay will never live up to him.

xturtlex 12/9/2007 6:52:38 PM

hello everyone. smoke weed

ashtradamus 12/9/2007 7:24:31 PM

adam agreed to sing on the record and still do the band- so we bought him a plane ticket to LA to finish the album. then him and his girlfriend made some fake story about gunpowder being in his shoe and the airport security ripping up the ticket.

ashtradamus 12/9/2007 7:25:20 PM

it was a total bitch move if you ask me and they still owe us for a ticket. so girl quit talking shit on lambgoat and go give head to leo so you can finally live out your fantasies. stupid lying hater bitch!! YEAH I SAID IT, WRITE IT DOWN

snes 12/9/2007 7:42:32 PM

i saw born of osiris about a week ago. fcking horrible horrible horrible scene shit. you gays should eat it up

adamarsonist 12/9/2007 9:55:02 PM

Wow. Stop right there Ash. First of all aren't you like 26 years old? Don't you run a record label? Yet you act like drama loving 16 year old bitch over a messgae board? Cool life.

adamarsonist 12/9/2007 9:56:15 PM

Secondly, the airport situation was not a lie and you have no idea what you're talking about. I'd be more than happy to email you a copy of the report. This was just not the right time in my life to be in a full time touring band.

adamarsonist 12/9/2007 9:57:32 PM

i hold no hard feelings against the guys in this band. I know they are still doing what they love, and im sure they are having a great time. That's what they deserve.

forumdrama 12/9/2007 10:10:03 PM

no kc date = no care

shredemdead 12/9/2007 10:16:22 PM

atb and vom are definately far better than than whatever 0/10 bands you shit talking gays play in. righteous bands and dudes.

times 12/9/2007 10:22:20 PM

this thread reaks of gaygorty. Get these idiot girls off my message board. Hey rachel, did you know adam fcked around with 2 16 y/o girls... I think theyre friends of yours. He probably used his fake myspace account to find them .

mattMN 12/9/2007 10:31:53 PM

none of you idiots have any idea what the fck you're talking about. adam is a great dude, and his voice was part of what MADE veil. period.

adamarsonist 12/9/2007 10:33:32 PM

ps brandon, don't listen to the haters. you're a good dude, and a good vocalist.

ashtradamus 12/9/2007 10:52:31 PM

veil of maya's new album is so unbelievably awesome and the reason why there are no vocals put on it yet is so unbelievably shitty that i felt compelled to post on this wonderful website that always shows love on tourdates. hype and drama. cheers!

brb123 12/9/2007 11:20:51 PM

thanks adam hope things are goin good for ya bro

SloppyJoes 12/9/2007 11:33:33 PM

myspace generation THE SEQUAL TOUR!

ashav 12/10/2007 12:39:08 AM

i dont know what the fck that was about. i like adam and shit happens i get it.i guess there is some superfan who likes to impersonate people. all good to adam and his girl

as_i_laycrying 12/10/2007 1:38:18 AM

born of osiris sucks. veil of maya with the original singer was indeed awesome. ftw.

drewcifer 12/10/2007 11:34:10 AM

i will go on record as saying that the born of osiris dudes rule and the new shit theyre writing sounds great from the bit ive heard.

jackpackage 12/10/2007 12:19:40 PM


iamlink 12/11/2007 2:59:37 AM

I had fun with brandon.

celestialvoyage 12/11/2007 12:36:59 PM

the faceless rules!

tama812 12/11/2007 10:01:41 PM

Sea of Treachery's singer = HUGE gay! fckin prick!

ComaSphere 12/12/2007 12:19:30 PM

why are ex singers such gays ? adam was a little bitch and so is his girlfriend. some one should break adams skinny ass in half. it would be easy

rufioxdestructo 12/13/2007 2:18:56 AM

born of openis blows. wonder why they cant kick out their bass player...

seaoffaggotry 12/17/2007 3:31:51 AM

i'm a prick? damn.

XELALEX 12/19/2007 4:54:28 PM

lets put 3 of the shittiest Midwest locals on a VFW tour for 30 kids a night

matthewp 12/27/2007 1:16:44 PM

Say mother may I, and then spell cup.

stevesteffler 1/7/2008 3:04:38 AM

sea of treachery=goood

nandez 1/8/2008 6:25:16 AM

bulllshit tour. dont really have an opinion on after the burial or veil of maya but.. sea of gayry and bored of ogays are equally shit.

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