Post CommentReal reason: Luke found out he was HIV +, I couldn't have picked a worse time to call him :D
Luke's writing out the next set of dates on his arms, legs, and face in permanent marker right now. hradcore 4eva
i mean really?...is a broken transmission a reason to kill oneself?
maybe if it's your friend's broken transmission it is
the real reason is because the singer has jazz season tickets and don't want to miss any games
holy piss, long explanation, long explanation, BAM point number 2
bummmmmer. great fcking band who deserves nothing but success. i wish them better luck in 2008.
I booked them a while back on a diff tour and they canceled too. Bunk.
lolz at jazz season tickets. their singer is once inch taller then micheal jordan and one inch shorter then karl malone. i talked 90's basketball with him for a good 20 minutes one night. great live band. one of the BEST live bands actually.
thanks to you gays fropping off the tour we couldnt see California even with Marlon Brandos eyes
doesnt this band name drop hawthorne heights or something in their lyrics? that'll show 'em! homos
ahhh okay well their forgiven because their a cool band
Luke just doesn't wanna give up playing xbox live. Lets be real here guys :)
Hope all is well with you guys.......(as I sit at home with Hot showers, and Hot wife)
Oh and P.S. Keith what the fck is fropping mean?? God damn spell checker must be broke right next to GAZA's transmission, our 5 tires that are bald, Seib's equipment, the shake in the front end, the.....the.....the.....LOL
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first. suckers