NewsSeptember 2, 2007 12:04 PM ET5,560 views

Lords set to record new album

Louisville, Kentucky band Lords will enter the studio on September 7th to record fifteen songs for a new full-length album. The effort is tentatively titled "Fuck All You Motherfuckers" and will hit stores in April of 2008 via Jade Tree Records. Lords is fronted by Chris Owens, noted for his production work with bands such as Breather Resist and Engineer.


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carlthetruth 9/2/2007 9:07:53 AM


vertigo_index 9/2/2007 10:04:34 AM

This will be important.

vegard 9/2/2007 10:41:02 AM

lordi > lords

Dave2112 9/2/2007 10:45:39 AM

so so important.

tardarm 9/2/2007 11:21:17 AM

that is a great albim title` this will be good

snailss 9/2/2007 12:05:17 PM

gayass band. break up already queermos

XOmeletX 9/2/2007 12:36:51 PM

Swords was excellent, look forward to hearing this

imalright 9/2/2007 12:41:55 PM

fck yes

mht 9/2/2007 12:51:58 PM

this band > the last 5000 bands that had news posted about them

DrMartinLutherKingJr 9/2/2007 12:53:03 PM

vegard 9/2/2007 10:41:02 AM lordi > lords... you cant even joke about shit like that. lordi is fcking terrible

What_The_Helen_Keller 9/2/2007 1:12:01 PM

It's about goddamn time. Good tunes, good people.

ShaolinLambKiller 9/2/2007 1:14:17 PM

that sounds like a great title

holycitybradley 9/2/2007 1:38:55 PM

best news all day

forumdrama 9/2/2007 2:02:39 PM

fck yes! And the album name is about the best I've heard so far this year.

xvegeedgex 9/2/2007 2:13:21 PM

lambgoater trap.

Hellaween 9/2/2007 3:29:35 PM

Finally good shit.

officernarc 9/2/2007 3:57:23 PM

hopefully, they'll write more than one song this time.

SOME_KIND_OF_PALSY 9/2/2007 4:12:11 PM

should be nice

cryptic_slaughter 9/2/2007 4:57:21 PM


EARTHpart2 9/2/2007 5:15:39 PM

best news in a long time

Coldchain 9/2/2007 5:23:51 PM

The Golden Lords from Meteorman?

elliot 9/2/2007 6:45:16 PM

Definitely interested to see how the new drummer is, since Stan was the man.

Fur_Beach 9/2/2007 6:51:16 PM

fcking awesome news. one of my favorite bands.

steveroche 9/2/2007 7:50:29 PM

impatiently waits

Nowonmai 9/2/2007 7:56:09 PM

I'd rather watch Blankman 5 times a day than have to sit through watching Meteorman again.

oneMANFISTfight 9/3/2007 12:22:31 AM

will be there.

stolenbirds 9/3/2007 4:14:53 AM

if you hate on this band you're a chi-mo.

sunk 9/3/2007 9:49:20 AM

the only people that don't like this band are just confused by the time changes thus crushing their will to hardcore dance to them.

rickrock 9/3/2007 11:43:44 AM

^ Haha. Also, Lordi is fcking awful. Stupid European GWAR rip-off.

motherfckzombies 9/3/2007 4:20:42 PM

great band, last album was great...this news is just all around great.

khann 9/3/2007 11:00:21 PM

Chris recorded us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *drops names*

hardware 9/6/2007 2:12:24 PM

Rename the band to Boreds

5hr3d_7h3_6n4r 9/10/2007 2:45:59 PM

booya motherfcker

Tags: Lords

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